The Beerat Escape

You can download the game for Windows.

This is a project I’ve made in the first Game Jam of the UPM with my mates Diego Adrada, Jaime Piris and David Luis García.

The main theme of this Game Jam was ‘BEER’, so we developed the next game in 48 h and we win the spectators price.

Mr. Beerat having a drink in the bar.

‘The Beerat Escape’ is a 2D platfoms game where you have the control of Mr. Montgomery Beerat, a famous cartoon actor’s bastard son.
You are drinking beer in a bar in the Prohibition years, suddenly a police raid start and you have to escape of the bar.

Gameplay image.

In this project I’ve done some part of the art (background and platforms) and the menu sistem (UI programming).

Sin título-1M
Parts of the background.
Sin título-2M

We have some problems in the last hours of the Game Jam, son we couldn’t have the complete level, so in this demo you start at the 3/4 part of the level 😦 , but in the next video you can watch a player of other team having fun with the game. 🙂

And here is the Team!

Jaime, Inés, Diego and David.
